Radcliffe Award and the Dissection of the Punjab 1947: Partition Retrospect
Busharat Elahi Jamil

The socio-political and economic developments started in Punjab after its annexation in 1849. Its agrarian strengths provided the boost to the Indian and Britain economies which revealed its prominence. In 1940s, social and political insurgences led to Indian partition. Leaders of all three major communities of Punjab Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs were claiming their maximum right on Punjab. In June Plan of partition by Lord Mountbatten, partition of the Punjab was confirmed as the best solution of its grave issues. Mr. Jinnah and the leaders of other two large communities were determined to acquire best part of Punjab after its partition. The partition issues apprehended the British administration. Because of differences in political motives, major communities turned against each other. According to Muslim League the Boundary Commission under Sir Cyril Radcliffe for the partition of Punjab could not discharge neutrally. The final Radcliffe Award gave birth many issues and raised questions, which elevated the Sikh dilemmas. The malpractice of the British administration of Punjab caused heavy blood-shed in the Province.

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