“Political Economic Policy Related to the Illegal Mini Market: Existence in Tasikmalaya City
Wiwi Widiastuti1, S.IP., M.Si; Moh. Ali Andrias, S.IP., M.Si

This study examines the emergence of illegal minimarkets in Tasikmalaya City. The existence of these minimarkets were not in accordance with Local Regulation of Tasikmalaya City Number 2 of 2009 on Market Management and Minimarket Establishment in Tasikmalaya which is limited only two in each district.This research used qualitative research method. The research used purposive sampling as the techniques of taking informants. considering the number of informants can develop, researchers also conducted research using snowball sampling technique. The data analysis method is interactive qualitative analysis.From the results of the research that has been implemented, the quota of minimarket in Tasikmalaya City was indeed not limited to two units per district. Under the pretext of market demand and economic policy in the face of free market Tasikmalaya City Government instead issued a new Regional Regulation number 1 of 2014 on the Implementation of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores. The regulation also remove Article 8G on maximum minimarket quota which is two in one district and Article 8H about the 1 kilometer minimum distance of a mini market to another. This Regulation even facilitates the emergence of a new minimarket by explaining in detail the procedures for establishment and licensing of modern market and modern minimarket in Tasikmalaya. Tasikmalaya City Government tendency to take sides with the owners of capital makes the local mini market and traditional markets more and more marginalized.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/rhps.v5n1a9