“Biased Role of Member Legislature Women in Tasikmalaya District
Yuliawati, Fitriyani and Agung, Subhan

This study investigates the role of women's representation in legislature to raise the women interest in Tasikmalaya District. This research is expected to describe the biased role of woman legislature In Tasikmalaya District. Political science paradigm is applied using a combination of normatifism and institutionalism. This research uses the interactive methods with the data collection using indepth interview on eight women as a Regional Reperesentatives Council members and one women as a non government organization. The result shows that the political representation of women is relatively good in quantity measure in political institutions of Tasikmalaya District. In spite of this, the contribution of the woman on legislature institutions is not optimal, especially in raising the issues of woman and the problems of womans in Tasikmalaya District.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/rhps.v5n1a4