Lebanon and Lebanese for Al-Hasan Al-Borini
Dr. Ekhlas Mohammad Al-Eidi, Dr. Sana Al-Refai

This paper aimed at investigating the history of Lebanon as dated by Al-Hasan Al- Borini in the 1st and 2nd sections of his book "Tarajim Ala'Ayaan Min A'nba' A'zzaman ". Al-Hasan Al-Borini who lived at the late 10th century and early 11th century of Hijrhps, is a Saforian historian from Damascus. He started working on his book "Tarajim Ala'Ayaan Min A'nba' A'zzaman " in ( 1009 Hijri / 1600 A.D) in which he documented the biographies of his contemporaries of scientists , scholars, writers , rulers and princes , and didn’t limit his work only in Damascus, but he documented the biographies of Egyptian, Moroccan , Yamani , Shirazi and other figures. He drew a start point from his birth date (963 Hijri / 1555 A.D) and continued adding to it until his death in (1024 Hijri / 1615 A.D). AlHasan Al-Borini has described the events of his time in his biographies, and offered a rich material that assist in studying political, social scientific, and economic aspects of that time. From tracing information and news of Lebanon in the first two sections of his book , it is clear that he offers a perspective of Lebanon history within the period ( 999-1202 Hijri / 1590-1615 A.D) , that is the reign of prince Fakhr Iddin Al- Moa'anna II ( 999-1043 Hijri / 1590-1615 A.D ). Al-Borini's information about Lebanon aren’t limited to only political aspect, but they exceeded them to describe religious and scientific aspects as these information introduced and identified the most popular scientists and Sheikhs of Lebanon. In addition, His information highlighted the scientific journeys of these scientists and Sheikhs, their jobs and functions, and the most important materials they studied. For the importance of this historical material, the researcher designed her study following an approach that explain and analyze these biographies. The researcher attempts to construct an image for Lebanon history as seen by Al-Borini.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/rhps.v2n3-4a7