Art, Religion and Symbolic Beliefs in Traditional African Context: A Case for Sculpture
Akpomuvie. Orhioghene. Benedict
Review of History and Political Science, 1(1), pp. 18-25.

Nigeria has produced a great variety of art traditions and her size, diverse geography and people have contributed to sculptural richness. Studies on these traditions have been restricted to materials from the ethnographic present and generally lack time depth. The reasons for this is probably the paucity of material from archeological excavations and the fact that some objects, notably made of wood, fiber and mud, cannot survive for long periods because of humidity, termites and other natural or human agencies. This paper which utilized relevant secondary sources of data is aimed at examining the motivation for making art, particularly sculpture in African society until recently. It revealed that the main motives for making sculpture in Africa particularly Nigeria, until recently, was religion, prestige and festivities. However , religion more than anything else provided the primary stimulus for the making of sculpture. The paper however, recommended intensification of archeological excavation in parts of Nigeria to generate new evidence on art traditions especially sculpture.

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Akpomuvie. Orhioghene. Benedict (2013). Art, Religion and Symbolic Beliefs in Traditional African Context: A Case for Sculpture. Review of History and Political Science, 1(1), pp. 18-25.

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Dr. Akpomuvie Benedict is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology Department, Delta State University, Abraka. At the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, he obtained a B.A degree in Anthropology and an M.A and Ph.D degrees in Anthropology from the renowned Institute of African Studies in 1998 and 2009 respectively.

His research interests are: association and development, cultural studies, gender study, rural sociology, African philosophy etc. Akpomuvie Benedict is a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Administration of Nigeria and currently the co-ordinator of Postgraduate Programmes in the Department of Sociology, Delta State University, Abraka