Popular Struggles for Democracy and Crises of Transitions in Africa
Dr Olatunji Olateju
Review of History and Political Science, 1(1), pp. 50-62.

The paper brings to focus mis-presentation of civil society groups’ struggles for multi-party democracy in Africa as the only entry point into understanding the struggles for democracy by the African peoples. Popular uprising against dictators, ethnic militia violence, popular rejections of election results are forms of popular struggles for genuine democracy that are yet to be given sufficient attention in our discourses of popular struggles for democracy in Africa. This error seems to be a product of post-Cold War neo-liberal discourse of democracy, which tends to ‘emasculate democracy of its social and historical dimensions; and presents it as an ultimate nirvana’. The paper deconstructs this trend and follows up with an explanation of how such trend created crises of transitions; and how the African states have attempted at coping with these crises. The central argument in the paper is that although democratic transitions in most post-independence Africa remains endangered; there is nothing that makes democracy un-African or makes Africans ungovernable. The major set-back for democracy in the continent is its failure to evolve from the grains of its best-fit values but the imported ‘best-practice’ principles of the grand theories.

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Olateju, Dr Olatunji. (2013). Popular Struggles for Democracy and Crises of Transitions in Africa. Review of History and Political Science, 1(1), pp. 50-62.

iShivji Issa G, Good Governance, Bad Governance and the Quest for Democracy in Africa: An Alternative Perspective, A

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v Op cit 3

viHuntington, S, The Third Wave: Democratisation in the Late Twentieth Century (Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991)

vii Nkanga; A synopsis Peter on the J os crisis - Nigerian Tribune. . January 28, 2011

viiiMancini, Pasquale Stanislao 1851 Delia nazionalitd come fondamento del diritto delle genti: (Prelezione.Turin (Italy):

Botta, 1851) p.65, translated by Hans Kohn in The Idea of Nationalism: A Study of Its Origins and Background. (New York: Macmillan, 1961)

ix Goran Hyden, Livelihoods and Security in Africa: Contending Perspectives in the New Global Order. African Studies Quarterly. Vol. 1, Issue 1. 1997

x Olateju, O Democratisation in the Absence of States: Lessons from Africa APCJ (June 2012) forthcoming.

xiAyang’ Nyang’O, P; ed., ‘Popular Struggles for Democracy’ in Africa, (London; and New Jersey: Zed Books. 1987) p.17

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xiiiNugent, P, Africa since Independence: A Comparative History. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004) pp. 107- 108

xiv Wrong, Michela. In The Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz: Living on the Brink of Disaster in Mobutu's Congo. Perennial, 2002; p. 68-70

xv Larry Delvin was one of the CIA agents of the Cold War who recently gave an eye witness accounts of the developments of the Congo’s tumultuous post-independence years leading to the planned elimination of Patrice Lumumba on the order of President Eisenhower of the US. (see Chief of Station, Congo: Fighting Cold War in Hot Zone, United States: Public Affairs, 2007)

xvi See Hoyle Ross “ A campaign Catches Fire” Time 30 March 1981 and Fuller Thomas “ But ex-president’s past looms large: Giscard’s new role at heart of Europe” New York Times, 28 February, 2002.

xvii Easterly, William, The Whiteman’s Burden: why the West efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good. New York: The Penguin Press. 2006), 273

xviiiMartin Meredith, Martin The State of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence, (London: Free Press, 2005)

xixMwaura, N, Kenya today: Breaking the yoke of colonialism in Africa, (USA: Algora Publishing, 2005)

xxGentili, A.M ‘Party, Party Systems and Democratisation in Sub-Saharan Africa’, paper presented at the Sixth Global Forum on Reinventing Government, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 24-27 2005

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xxii P.C Schmitter and T L Karl: ‘What democracy is and is not’, Journal of Democracy, National Endowment for Democracy and the Johns Hopkins University. Summer 1991 xxiii See Acil Tabbara” ‘Hardliners Spring: From Tunisia to Egypt, Salafists stretch their wings” Middle East online 2012-09-16

xxiv Mafeje, Democracy, Civil Society and Governance in Africa’, Workshop on ‘Social Policy, Development and Governance in Kenya’, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 23-26 November 1999

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xxvi Neil Smith, “The production of nature” in Future Naural, G. Roberston; M. Mash; L, Tickner; J, Bird; B. Curtis; T. Putnam eds; USA: Taylor & Francis. 2005

xxvii Mapuva, J, ‘Challenges to the Democratisation Process in Africa’. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa Vol. 12 No2, (2010)

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xxix op cit 19

xxx Olatunji Olateju Democratisation without states: Lessons from Africa APCJ Vol. 5 No 1 pp.28 – 37 June 2012

xxxi Olatunji Olateju, AU and state of democracy in Africa: The need to reconfigure African states and democracy, Conference proceedings of the 8th Iberia Conference of African Studies: From OAU to AU: The New Millennium and the state of Democracy in Africa. FUAM, Spain. June 14-16 2012. 357-54-1-SP

xxxii Mafeje, A, Theory of Democracy and the African discourse in E. Chole and J. Ibrahim, Democratization Processes in Africa: Problems and Prospects. (CODESRIA Book Series, Dakar ,1998)

xxxiii World Bank, Governance: The World Bank’s Experience, (Washington, D.C: World Bank. 2004, 2007)

xxxiv Hyden, G and Bratton, M, Governance and Politics in Africa, (Lynne Rienner: Boulder, Colorado.Hyden and Bratton, 1992); Mamdani, M. & Wamba dia Wamba, E, African studies in Social Movements and Democracy. (CODESRIA Book Series, Dakar, 1995)

xxxv Shivji, I, “The Pitfalls of the Debate on Democracy” CODESRIA Bulletin,13 (1989)

xxxvi Op cit 18; Wamba dia Wamba, “Africa is Searching for a New Historical Model of Politics”. Proceedings Conference on democratization Process in Africa of CODESRIA, Dakar, 1992, 1995

xxxvii op cit 24

xxxviiiop cit 24

xxxix Op cit 29

xl Op cit 19

xli Mandaza, I. & Sachikonye, L. (ed.) The One-Party State and Democracy: The Zimbabwe Debate. (Harare: SAPES Books 1991)

xlii Mutharika, B.W.T, One Africa, One Destiny: Towards Democracy, Good Governance, and Development (SAPES Books: Harare, 1995)

xliii op cit 20

xliv Op cit 35

xlv Lord Acton in a letter to Mandell Creighton dated 5 April 1887 published in Historical Essays and Studies (1907). Speak Truth to Power and in American Friends Service Committee in Speak Truth to Power: A Quaker Search for an Alternative to Violence 1955.

xlvi International Crisis Group Report No 81 “Lessons from Nigeria’s 2011 Elections”

xlvii Op cited 46

xlviii Decalo, Samuel, The future of Participatory in Africa. Futures, 26(9), 1994

xlix Mafeje, Archie, ‘Theory of Democracy and the African Discourse: Breaking Bread with my Fellow Travelers’ in Eshetu, nCole; and Jibrin Ibrahim eds; Democratisation Processes in Africa: Problems and Prospects, (Dakar: CODESRIA, 31, 1995) lMomoh Abubakar and Adjumobi, Saheed; The Nigeria Military and the Crisis of Democratic Transition (Lagos- Nigeria. Civil Liberties Organization, 1999)

Olatunji Olateju holds a PhD degree in Politics from the Swansea University UK, M. A in Democratic Studies from the University of Leeds UK, M. Sc; and B.Sc; Sociology from the University of Lagos, Nigeria

He is currently engaged in the coordination and editorial works of a book - ‘Boko-Haram and the Nigerian state’ descending from the panels he convened for Welsh African Studies Network, Swansea University, at the African Studies Association (UK chapter) biennial conference held at the University of Leeds between September 14 to 16 2012.

Olatunji Olateju attended as a nominee of the 6th PhD Students´ International Conference organised by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in co-operation with the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) and Proforum at the European Parliament, Brussels, October 15-17, 2012. He presented a paper on ‘Reinventing Productivity in Europe through Speconomy’ currently under review for publication

Olatunji Olateju is a co-sponsor Panel 001 - ‘African dynamics in multi-definitional governance, which governance and whose governance?’ at the 5th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS2013) June 27-29, 2013.

He is also the convenor of Panel 3741- Piloting Africa from the Developmental Crossroads, of the forthcoming African Studies Association UK chapter 2014 Biennial conference Sept 9th – 11th at the University of Sussex, UK.

Before his teaching career at a Polytechnic in 1998, Olateju has worked with Civil Liberties Organisation as Research Officer, National Union of Shop and Distributive Employees as an Organising Secretary, and with various political organisations including Presidential campaign offices, public appointments and political parties.

He desires a post-doctoral fellowship for further research on Theory of Speconomy as an Alternative Model to economic development, and Neo-communitarian Democracy as a brand of democracy ideal for multicultural societies.